Dark Rides: A method for featuring inaccessible heritage sites; Applied on ancient Egyptian tombs


  • Hend Hamed Faculty of tourism and hotels, Helwan University
  • Rehab Hema Faculty of tourism and hotels




Dark rides, Heritage sites, Cultural tourism, Ancient Egyptian tombs, Accessibility.


This study addresses accessibility to heritage sites as a challenge confronting cultural tourism. It focuses on the heritage sites that cannot be modified to make it accessible since any change in them threats their value.With this regard, the paper suggests using dark rides for featuring the inaccessible heritage sites as an alternative for tourists to visit instead of the original site, merging between culture and recreation in one experience. The paper focuses on the ancient Egyptian tombs as one of these inaccessible heritage sites. Furthermore, the study explores the opinion of the mobility disabled individuals concerning this idea since they form a main potential tourist segment that will greatly benefit from this project.Finally, the study presents a hypothetical model for a dark ride featuring the burial chamber in Queen Nefertari’s tomb to emphasize how this project can be employed effectively in demonstrating inaccessible ancient Egyptian tombs.

Author Biographies

Hend Hamed, Faculty of tourism and hotels, Helwan University

Associate professor, tourism studies department.

Rehab Hema, Faculty of tourism and hotels

Professor, guiding department


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