Official Launch of the Globalization and Artificial Intelligence (GAI) Journal

We are delighted to announce the inauguration of the "Globalization and Artificial Intelligence" (GAI) journal, a scholarly publication, on December 12, 2023. GAI is dedicated to the academic exploration of the complex relationships between artificial intelligence and global phenomena. It serves as a prestigious platform for academic discourse, offering critical insights into the ways AI intersects with and influences worldwide trends and developments. Purpose of GAI:This journal has been established to address the significant role of artificial intelligence across various global sectors. Invitation for Contributions: Research Papers: We invite scholarly papers that offer novel perspectives on AI's global implications, especially in areas like employment, education, and healthcare.Case Studies: We encourage submissions that detail the practical applications of AI in a global context, highlighting unique challenges and achievements.Editorials and Reviews: We seek stimulating editorials and comprehensive reviews to encourage intellectual debate and guide future scholarly inquiries.Collaborative Opportunities: Conferences: We seek to collaborate with global conferences to highlight significant research in AI.Workshops and Seminars: We welcome partnerships for organizing workshops and seminars, aimed at disseminating knowledge and facilitating networking among AI professionals and academics.Further Information:For detailed submission guidelines, collaboration inquiries, or more information about the GAI journal, please visit our website or contact us at