About the Journal

Globalization and Artificial Intelligence is a forward-thinking academic journal dedicated to exploring the dynamic interplay between AI technology and global processes. This publication delves into how artificial intelligence is reshaping industries, economies, and societies on a global scale and how globalization influences AI development and application. Our aim is to provide a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue, featuring cutting-edge research and insights from fields such as computer science, economics, social sciences, and policy studies. The journal seeks to uncover the multifaceted impacts of AI on global issues, and how global trends shape the evolution of AI. It serves as a resource for academics, and practitioners navigating the complexities of AI in our interconnected world.

Publication Model

Globalization and Artificial Intelligence (GAI) embraces a hybrid publication model, combining the efficiency of Continuous Publication with the structured organization of quarterly issues. This model is designed to ensure the prompt dissemination of cutting-edge research while maintaining an organized archival system.

Key Features of Our Publication Model:

Continuous Publication:

  • Timeliness: Articles are published online immediately upon final acceptance, facilitating the swift sharing of pivotal research findings.
  • Flexibility: We welcome submissions continuously, free from the restrictions of traditional issue deadlines, offering greater flexibility for authors.
  • Visibility: The journal's content is regularly updated, maintaining ongoing engagement with our readers and ensuring consistent visibility for authors' work.
  • Citation Details: Each article is provided with a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and includes comprehensive citation details, reflective of the year of publication.

Quarterly Issues:

  • Structured Archiving: Articles published under the continuous model are systematically compiled into four issues annually. This approach aids in streamlined access and navigation, allowing readers to explore collections of articles published within specific timeframes.
  • Volume and Issue Numbering: Each article is associated with a specific volume and issue number, facilitating precise referencing and academic citation.

Accessibility and Archiving:

  • Annual Compilation: For enhanced accessibility, all articles are archived on an annual basis, with each year's publications easily retrievable on our journal’s website.
  • Open Access: In alignment with our commitment to widespread knowledge dissemination, all articles are freely accessible to our readership.

Through this hybrid model, Globalization and Artificial Intelligence aims to strike a balance between the immediacy of rolling publications and the traditional structure of academic journals, catering to the evolving needs of our global scholarly community.

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