
  • Wellington Amancio Da Silva Universidade do Estado da Bahia Universidade Federal de Alagoas Grupo de Pesquisa Ecologia Humana - CNPq



Human Ecology, City, place of Representations


  Are analyzed at the representations of the city as a place of idealized paradigm, of living and survival, from brief historiographical study. Used methodology that only came from bibliographic studies to initiate future research about the dichotomy and antagonism city in the face of nature and the cultural and historical factors that conceal the separation. From a negative view of nature as hostile space and insecurities, represented in the various discourses present in the West and, above all antiquity, the question is how it is perceived in Modernity degrading the material effects of this abstract antagonism, when the place of representations of dwell ideal city predominate over the representations of nature. Keywords: Human Ecology, City, place of Representations

Author Biography

Wellington Amancio Da Silva, Universidade do Estado da Bahia Universidade Federal de Alagoas Grupo de Pesquisa Ecologia Humana - CNPq

Wellington Silva Amancio's degree in Education with specialization in Teaching and Management of Educational Process, State University of Bahia - UNEB. Specializes in Teaching Philosophy ; has a Master in Human Ecology ( UNEB / PPGEcoH ). Operates in the following areas: Teaching Profession, Social Theory, Discourse Analysis and Teaching of Subjectivity Process Representations. Linked to the subscribers/UNEB as a researcher, whose research Memory, Identity, Territoriality, Education/Spaces in Field and Sociability line. Research since 2009 the etnossocial aspects of maroon communities of Alagoas; research since 2011 indigenous ethnicity cities in the Etates of Alagoas, Bahia, Pernambuco and Sergipe. Does independent research on the production line of subjectivities, Otherness and Human Rights in Formal and Non- Formal spaces under focus of Ethnomethodology. Undertakes research in Critical Pedagogy (Giroux and Peter McLaren) and Etnopesquisa criticizes Methodology of Teaching Philosophy in High School Life History of Teachers and Education and Social Movements.


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How to Cite

Da Silva, W. A. (2015). THE PLACE OF THE CITY AS AN EXISTENTIAL PARADIGM. Journal of Sustainable Society, 4(1), 1–4.


